Reunion Photos
10th reunion picture courtesy of
Brenda Hulsey Kitchens.
Click on images for a larger view.
30th reunion picture courtesy of
Charlie Hind.
25th reunion picture courtesy of
Karen Lee McNab.
More pictures from the 30th are on Kodak. From that site you can view the pictues in a slide show and easily download the images or order prints.
To access the pictures click here.
Our 40th Reunion was held October 9 & 10, 2009 on St. Simons. The pictures are available using the following links to the Kodak website. You can view or order prints from the site. If you have other picture you'd like to share with us please send them to
While the "official" events started Friday night, a couple of unofficial events helped us jump start the weekend.
The festivities began Thursday night with a Low Country Boil at the Parker Cottage. Our thanks to the many people who helped prepare the delicious food. For those pictures click here.
For Friday lunch a bunch of folks went to the Twin Oaks Restaurant (yes, the fries are still crunchy). For those picture click here.
Friday night was the first official event for the weekend. We enjoyed fellowship, sharing experiences from our lives and laughing with our friends as we recalled events from our youth. For those picture click here.
Saturday morning Morris Friedman led us in a memorial service to commemorate those of our classmates who are Gone, But Not Forgotten.
For those pictures click here.
Saturday lunch was a low-key "burgers and dogs" event around the Best Western pool. For those pictures click here.
Saturday night was a wonderful event at the Casino Courtyard, where we dined, enjoyed each other's company and were entertained by a terrific band made up of our classmates and friend. It's a shame we can't share the music with you, but to enjoy the pictures from that night click here.
In addition to the "official" reunions held over the years a number of "mini reunions" have taken place. These have taken the form of 2 or 3 friends sharing a lunch while catching up to groups of 50+ who have gotten togehter for the same reasons - to enjoy rembering old times while getting acquainted and making new friends. For pictures of these events click here.